(16-25 years)
Imaginarium’s Professional Development Programme for 16 - 25 years leading to a nationally accredited Gold Arts Award (worth 16 UCCAS points)
Gold Arts Award is a young person-led qualification that encourages creativity and independent learning. It challenges young people to develop their art’s practice, lead an arts project, investigate topical arts issues and get involved in the arts world.
Along the way, they create a portfolio showcasing their new-found knowledge, alongside their critical-thinking, organisational, problem-solving, collaboration, communication and management skills.
Completing the award gives young people a foothold in the creative industries and skills for life - whatever their future holds.

Our community ensemble is open to anyone aged 16 - 99+ years. Members are drawn from all walks of life; enriching the company with their wide skills set, breadth of knowledge and life experience. The company work with Artistic Director Gaynor La Rocca and a team of specialist practitioners (including partners from the RSC) to create exciting, professional standard touring productions.
For many, the Imaginarium Ensemble provides the enjoyable fulfillment of the dream of performing on stage, while still pursuing other dreams and career paths. For others it has provided an invaluable training ground and a stepping stone to further and higher education, drama schools and careers within the performing arts industry.
Imaginarium Youth Theatre (13-16 years)
Our Senior Youth Theatre is based at the Shakespeare North Playhouse. We focus on developing acting skills in a wide range of genres, from script-work to improvisation and devising.
The company create and produce two shows per year for public performance in theatres and outdoor venues, as well as participating in a wide range of local cultural events and festivals.
Members also have the opportunity to gain Arts Awards leadership qualifications as they progress.

Young Actors
(16-19 years)
Imaginarium Young Actors Company hold open auditions every September and work in partnership with the National Theatre Connections programme to produce a piece of new writing by a top British playwright every spring.
The company stage exciting and relevant issue-based productions in local theatres and at the National Theatre Connections Festival.
Children's Drama and Creative Play
(8-10 years)
Our Junior Youth Theatre (ages 8 -12) runs every Wednesday during school term time between 4:30 - 5:45pm at the Shakespeare North Playhouse
Membership of the Junior Youth Theatre is free. Sessions focus on exploring the world through drama and developing valuable social skills such as communication, problem solving and team work.
The Junior Youth Theatre produces two original shows each year.
Children are also given opportunities to be supported through Discover and Explore Arts Awards in partnership with Trinity College, London and Arts Council England.
We also run FREE creative play sessions during the school holidays for ages 5 and up.

The Imaginators
Meeting weekly with our professional designers, our crafty Imaginator's help to create our wonderful set, props and costume in our workshop at Cockpit House.
If you have a skill you would like to share or develop, or perhaps you would like to learn a new skill, or maybe you would just like to be a part of a vibrant social group - the door to our Imaginators is always open.
Imaginarium Theatre wouldn't be here without the skilled hands of a team of immensely dedicated volunteers.
If you want to help out on a casual basis as a show steward or in our design workshop then please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Get Involved
Actors, dancers, singers, musicians, technicians, administrators, photographers, dressmakers, designers, and volunteers….
Our door is always open!
There are lots of ways to get involved at Imaginarium Theatre.
Get to Know Us
We are asking all visiting individuals/companies to assist us in monitoring the effectiveness of our equality policy and the diversity of our programming by completing this form. It also enables us to complete our annual reporting to funding bodies, who request evidence of how well we are achieving our diversity aims. The information you give will only be used for this purpose and no other and is confidential. Please complete the form with information on all company members involved with Imaginarium Theatre, thank you.